After first establishing your financial needs and goals, we construct investment portfolios that find the best balance between risk, return, tax efficiency and accessibility. With a bias towards flexible, transparent investments, we use large asset managers to do the investing on your behalf.
Our philosophy has provided steady growth over time which leans towards conservative and away from volatile. You won’t find the likes of Cryptocurrencies in our portfolios.
Who is going to look after you when you’re grey? How do you know that you have saved enough?
If you hope to retire with an inflation-adjusted income similar to what you are earning, you may need to save upwards of 15% of your salary to reach this goal. Whether you’re looking to boost your retirement savings or to make sure they last, we can assist you in getting there.
The personal investment account is one of SA’s best-kept secrets. We use reputable asset managers who offer a selection of local and offshore portfolios.
Until fairly recently, a balanced portfolio of stocks was only available to the extremely wealthy. With monthly contributions or lump sums, you can build your wealth using a personal investment account.
We favour flexibility over locked products to ensure that you have sufficient accessibility to your money.
Looking after your staff with good benefits is the biggest gift you can give them. We help employers find the best solutions, whether it’s maintaining their current benefits or establishing a new fund. The hardest part is starting a fund as no one enjoys a salary cut. When advising a fund we treat each employee as a client, making our expertise available to them too. In addition, we offer advice on group risk
See Group Risk…
When do you ever get a free lunch? If used correctly, tax-free investment accounts can give you many. Make sure you’re using your annual allowance and leaving it there to grow.
Even though a withdrawal is possible, asset growth over time is where the power of these investments lies. We can help you set up a tax-free investment with ease.